2021 Daily Devotion - Day 446

Being a migraine sufferer, I have had a few MRI tests done in the last few years. The most recent was just a few weeks ago.

The machine is loud, and they play loud classical music to try to distract you from the weird tones and knocking of the machine. I choose to close my eyes even before I go in and don’t open them again until the technician tells me I am “all clear”. As I practiced my coping skills of slow steady focused breathing and keeping my eyes closed, half way through, I decided to also call to mind Bible verses I had committed to memory over the years. To my dismay, I realized this only took about 4 minutes out of the 20 minute test! “I know, I thought to myself, I’ll think of poems I have learned!”

“The thunder roared, the lightning flashed, the very earth was shaken! A little pig curled up his tail, and ran to save his bacon!”

I chuckled to myself as I realized this was the only poem I have ever memorized! It gave me great comfort when I was a little girl. My Grandma would recite it to me every time there was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night and I was scared.

In the same way, the God of the universe has given us words of comfort and He calls us to write them on our hearts. He calls us to keep His teachings as “the apple of our eyes” and to “write them on the tablet of our hearts” (Proverbs 7:1-3). In Deuteronomy, the Israelites are commanded to “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”

Pray with me:
Father, help us to memorize Your words of truth so when we are in need of Your comfort, we will be reminded of Your goodness and mercies which are new every morning! Thank You for providing Your Word as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. You are our ever present God in times of need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Michelle Lammers
Mount of Olives Staff - Community Coordinator
Mount of Olives Church


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